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Lavender Girl

“Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on I’ll be mad.” – Rumi

Can’t remember a time when I did not love nature. I grew up in a city in India with no connection to rural areas. There were parks but I missed out on natural vast expanse of nature. As a kid I remember watching an American movie with kids cycling through country side picking wild flowers. In my imagination, that was me. Never did I imagine that in my 40s living in London is where I was going to enjoy nature at it’s best. UK is blessed with seasons. Let’s ignore the unpredictable weather and rain for the moment J  Autumn and spring put on a glorious display of colours. This pic is from a visit to a lavender farm. Nothing can beat the amazing sight of these blooms. I must advise, watch out for any honey bees!

Beauty is all around us.  In nature, in photography and in art.  It is easy to find so many exciting things to be passionate about painting.