Harvest Festival
I was recently boked to run a Harvest Festival themed Art workshop for kids and adults in North Acton Pavilion. It was an outdoors event. Although it was overcast, thankfully, it did not rain on us. It’s a huge green space with tennis courts on one end. Artification https://artification.org.uk have a beautiful garden and a café. Well worth a visit if you are in that area.
We did still life using locally sourced vegetables as our subject. It’s amazing how much can be done just with plain printer paper and oil pastels! I had a great time engaging with locals of all ages. An elderly Japanese lady was so thrilled to have the opportunity to sit and draw that she spent an hour and a half drawing and created the most wonderful piece of artwork. She hadn’t drawn in a long time. She left feeling content and proud. I hope she continues to practice drawing.
Tommy a cute little kid did some bold drawings of trucks and trains. He didn’t need much persuasion to turn them into transporters for vegetables! I never insist on strictly sticking to the subject, allowing ones who are not so confident to doodle. Hiba, one of the mums found doodling to be so much fun. It was great to have men and dads join in too.
Boys over a certain age I notice shy away. Once again, giving them the creative freedom to draw whatever they wanted helped. I saw some beautiful landscapes with palm trees happening – they were drawing their memories from their homeland.
Overall, it was a wonderful being back to non-zoom, real life, in-person workshop. Unlike zoom, we have the freedom to laugh and interact with others around the table. I feel ready to run more such Art classes in London. There are a few events in pipeline in West London in Chiswick and Ealing. I hope to see you at one soon!
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For the Love of Tulips
I had the pleasure of hosting Art Social via zoom for this lovely bunch. I was quite nervous about this booking as I knew no one in the group apart from the organiser I had a zoom chat with. I had no idea what their skill level was. I had no idea how many were going to turn up. This Art Social was also going to be challenging as I was going to paint live with acrylics. Normally I use oil pastels for zoom workshops. I can be quite messy working with paints in my home studio. I was afraid of spilling paint, getting my hands and face covered in paint etc. Reason I had to use acrylics – they were all sent packs with canvas and acrylic paints. The pack included palette, brushes and apron. How exciting!
At 10:25am on the 8th of July, I started the zoom meeting to be ready for 10:30am start. There was ping and a face popped up. Within next few minutes I had ten faces. Ten new faces. I started with the usual round of introduction. They all knew each other. They all said they had not painted before, all beginners keen to use their art materials. Not all, some were very unsure of their artistic abilities – this is always good news to me. I love helping people build confidence when it comes to making art. It is the process of relaxing and enjoying that is more important than the end result. The end result is always amazing anyways. What you paint or create is unique to you. Just that in itself is amazing.
Hour and a half later, we wrapped up, having successfully painted tulips. No mess made! I also realized I was on the right path – doing what I am meant to be doing. I know how to run a successful, relaxing and fun art workshop. I loved that they trusted me, gave me great feedback and would like to book another session soon.