It has been a while since I last wrote so let me put you in the picture about at SansArt Home Studios. The paintings have been rolling. Given that, by nature, I am heavily influenced by my surroundings, it’s only natural that I should be painting spring flowers! I am loving the colours and the textures. Most of the new paintings are abstracts, designed to capture the spring vibe.
This particular painting Get Back, is a good example. Click now and take a quick look. You can zoom in to see the details. It’s got stunning vibrant colours and marks and textures that invoke a feeling of being in a wild garden. The bright reds, yellows and oranges fill you with energy, whilst the cool blues and greens add a little contrast and calm. The title is after the Beatles song ‘Get Back’. The song’s concept was The Beatles “getting back” to their roots and playing new songs for a live audience without any studio tricks. I was hoping I would be doing live workshops with people in-person. It is yet to happen, but the painting is ready to be enjoyed. It feels live, it feels wild, it’s screaming let’s get back to life and do the things we love doing.
I have used artist quality acrylic paints on paper. The size is A4. Comes in a standard frame. Free shipping within UK. Perfect colour pop to enhance your interiors and bring some energy to propel you towards whatever it is that your heart is set on today.