Not A Care
It is what it is. Why fret over something that you cannot control. Cherish what you have 🙂
Framed signed original art work. Acrylics/mixed media. Please leave a note for express deliveries. Additional charges apply. Email for quote without frame.
- Sizes: A4 ( 8.27 × 11.69 inches )
- Shipping: 1-2 weeks of time to prepare to ship
- Quality: Designed to last 100 years
- Paper: Luxurious thick 300gsm artist quality watercolour paper
1 in stock
Note the beautiful Irises! Spring 2020 has seen some beautiful sunny days with lovely spring blooms. The lady in this is feeling lonely and taking comfort in her garden with various flowers bursting to life. She’s at a stage where not much matters anymore. There’s plenty of sunshine in her garden. Is this you?
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